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Building Materials Supplier Nigeria

Brook Concrete Technology , the construction chemicals, and Building materials supplier in Nigeria. We market and install system construction materials for the national and international markets. With the slogan “Providing solutions“, our product range has wide coverage with over 2,000 qualitative high-quality construction products worldwide for the most diverse of applications.

Waterproofing Materials in Nigeria

Are you looking for a product solution for structural waterproofing or for structural restoration? No problem, with us it is proven.

We supply mineral-based waterproofing materials as well as those based on bitumen.Other products, which we offer as we strive towards optimum product solutions for structural waterproofing and restoration, are waterproof sheet membranes, waterproof tapes, waterproof materials for day joints, epoxy resins, 

PU injection resins, liquid waterproof membranes, mortars and restoration plasters, rapid cement, smoothing compounds, repair mortars, anchoring grouts, concrete replacement mortars, products for protecting facades, expansion joint sealants, floor coatings, primers, plaster primers, concrete additives, mortar additives as well as colored plasters.

Building Materials Supplier

Building Materials Supplier

Are you looking for the optimum product solution for the installation of tiles, natural stone, or screeds? We also offer a comprehensive product range here, with tile adhesives, natural stone adhesives, grouts, and screeds as well as special screeds.

In addition, you can choose compatible waterproof systems, bonding slurries, emulsions, additives, special adhesives, poured resins, bonding resins, injection resins, primers, smoothing compounds, leveling compounds, waterproof tapes, elastic joint sealants, impact sound deadening systems and de-coupling systems.

Our Products and Solutions

We have technical expertise and wide experience in waterproofing jobs in industries, households, swimming pool, dams, etc. All kinds of waterproofing- both internal & external, injection grouting,crystalline,membrane application, etc are undertaken.

We also undertake floor hardener application, epoxy floor installations and sealant applications. All kinds of industrial flooring and concrete repairs works are undertaken.

We also supply white cement, wall putty, marine plywood, anti termite(organic) treatment for wood & concrete.

Concrete Sealer on Concrete

Phone: +234 7065729824


Basement waterproofing, retrospective horizontal barrier membranes, renovation of salt-laden substrates, garage renovation, crack repair for walls and floors, waterproofing day joints with injection tubes, water bar or water stop expanding strips or elastomer expanding strips, PVC water stop.

Our solution also includes waterproofing sewerage works or potable water containers, balcony renovation, facade impregnation, waterproofing joints and details with waterproof tapes, tile installation on heated and unheated cement-based screeds, calcium sulphate based screeds, asphalt screeds, magnesite and xylolite screeds, concrete, chipboard and floorboards, render, plaster, plasterboard.

We are expert in MR plasterboard, existing tiled finishes, metal and stainless steel, in bathrooms, on balconies and terraces, in showers and swimming pools, fountains and swimming pool tanks, saunas, seawater pools, kitchens and cold stores, from large format tiles, agglomerate stone, glass tiles and mosaics, cotto, natural stone, jointless epoxy resin systems for use in workshops, supermarkets, department stores, accessible roadways in logistics halls, car showrooms, hotel foyers.

in the manufacturing industry, polyurea coatings for containers, bund walls, accessible silos, Biogas plants, sewerage works, for pipework construction, the energy industry, as corrosion protection and stray current isolation, decorative flooring systems, water pollution control systems, water vapour permeable coatings, conductive coatings, structured coatings, car park deck coatings, elastic coatings.

Coatings which will not taint food, emissions-free coatings, concrete sealers, concrete impregnators, road and trackway systems, concrete repair to bridges, multi-storey car parks, balconies, drinking water containers, sewers and sewerage plants, products for the cement using industry, ready-mix concrete, concrete units, concrete slabs – our competency in construction waterproofing is your problem solved.

Building Materials Supplier

Building Materials Supplier in Nigeria - Recent Projects

Waterproofing Materials in Nigeria​

We are fully committed to offering the best ecologically designed, creative, cost effective solutions and quality services through technological expertise, partnerships and collaborations that will set new industry standards in building technology and sustainable structural integrity for Nigeria and across Africa. Visit our gallery to see pictures of past projects

Building Material supplier in Nigeria

Waterproofing System in Nigeria​

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